Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:00
Saturday 8:30 – 1:00

Earliest appointment 9am and latest appointment 2:40pm.

The office is open on Saturday twice a month.
Saturday patients need to understand how they can be buzzed into the office since the front doors of the building are locked.

One Friday a month, Dr. Furtak provides care in a nursing home.

Si vous souhaitez une consultation partiellement en français, merci de prendre rendez-vous le mardi, mercredi ou jeudi, ainsi Marie pourra vous assister.

Contact Us

Our staff generally answer phones from 8 to 4 but please leave a message if you reach the answering machine.

House calls will be considered for housebound patients.

Call: 780-466-5290

Fax: 780-461-0698

Come and Visit

  • 302 Capilano Centre,
  • 9945 50 St NW
  • Edmonton, AB Canada
  • T6A 0L4
Exterior of Our Location